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We also offer a full range of publishing services. Our team of graphic designers and editors can create accessible documents from concept to upload.

Editing and writing

Olivia Wroth, through SuperScript Writing and Editing, has over 20 years' experience in documents of all types. She specialises in medical, veterinary and scientific texts, and can tailor documents for general through to expert audiences.


We can edit your documents to make them grammatically correct and more readable and concise. We can also help you write them using plain English or easy English principles to make sure everyone can easily understand them, including people with language difficulties and people whose first language is not English. This is especially important to maximise the reach of your message to more of Australia's diverse population.

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Graphic design

We specialise in designing documents using inclusive design principles. Wendy Farley, through Anthouse Communications, has worked as a document designer for over 20 years, and in that time has honed her skills in creating good-looking documents that are easy to navigate. 


We work with the public sector, not-for-profit organisations, education and training organisations, publishers and businesses of all sizes. We design community awareness and advertising campaigns, logos and business branding, and can design and print books, reports, guides, brochures and posters​.

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